On December 20th, at the School service in the Lady
Chapel, the Headmaster preached from the text " For to
whom much is given from him .shall much be expected" (Luke
xii., 48). The collection for the War Fund amounted to
£1 7s. 4d. On January 26 he took for his text Eomans 1-16,
" I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ." The offertory,
£1 12s. on this occasion, was devoted as usual to the
Universities Mission to Central Africa.
On March the 1st four boys were summoned at the
Hereford Police Court for wilful damage done to the Cricket
Pavilion. Mr. Corner (O.H.) kindly gave his services on behalf
of the School. A conviction was not pressed for on condition
of the damage being made good, but it is to be hoped this case
may put an end to what has been for some time past a cause
not only of annoyance but also of considerable expense
The principal events of note for the remainder of the
Term are :—
March 28th.—Worcester Boat Eace.
,, 31st.—Monmouth „
April 5th.—School Confirmation in the Lady Chapel.
,, 6th.—Eev. Theodore Wood's Lecture.
,, 7th.—Athletic Sports.
,. llth.—School closes.